Thursday, 22 October 2020

Unclaimed Continents



The Fully Down - "December"

Mr. T

Cocoa Tea - "Sweet Life"


The Tragically Hip - "Goodnight Josephine"

A few years ago Canada re-ignited their love affair with the Tragically Hip, sadly it was mainly due to the fact that lead singer Gord Downie revealed he had terminal brain cancer and took his band on one last cross country tour. They're just one of those bands that has an endless stream of great tracks to get lost in, though I feel most of their albums past 1998's Phantom Power, get overlooked. This gem, and I do mean GEM, is form 2004's In Between Evolution. Love how Downie's words and vocals bounce so playfully along with the song's infectious groove. Blast it!! 


The Tragically Hip - "The Luxury"

 If you have any way of watching American Netflix the Tragically Hip documentary Long Time Running is on it and it's amazing. I'm not crying, I got dust in both my eyes


Charlies Daniels Band - "The Devil Went Down To Georgia"

Jonny HP

Starship - "We Built This City"

Mike D

Blame it On Whitman - "Some1Else"


Beastie Boys - "I Don't Know"

One of probably the best all around and possibly skipped or forgotten tracks on the now dated, Hello Nasty album. I remember coming to the album strictly for the "Intergalactic" smash. But, I also remember finding this one on the first listen through and I think that's when I realized that the Beastie Boys weren't just 'white rappers' but actually had a lot of depth. They aren't really recognized for their acoustic play style and I bet a lot of you didn't know they played their own instruments and could shred! RIP MCA.

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